2024 Sioux Falls Resident Survey

Dear Sioux Falls Resident:
The City of Sioux Falls is working on an update to our comprehensive development plan, and we want your input. Please take a moment to complete the following survey to share your vision for Sioux Falls.

The City’s comprehensive development plan, called “Shape Sioux Falls 2050,” will help guide our community’s future by establishing priorities for how it will grow and evolve over the next 20 to 25 years. These priorities could impact anything from residential landscaping to where commercial development occurs. Gathering your input is a critical piece to updating the plan, and we have several in-person and online activities available for residents to share their feedback.

As part of our engagement efforts, we contracted ETC Institute, a national independent research firm, to administer a statistically valid resident survey. Your survey response is important, and we kindly ask that you complete the survey within two weeks. We anticipate the survey will take 10-15 minutes. Your individual responses will be confidential, as survey data will be collected, compiled, and analyzed by ETC Institute and then presented to the City to be used toward the plan update.

At the end of the survey, you will have an opportunity to opt-in for a chance to win one (1) $500 prepaid Visa gift card for fully completing your survey.

Please contact Ryan Murray, ETC Institute’s assistant director of community research, if you have any questions or require additional assistance (phone: 913-254-4598 or email: ryan.murray@etcinstitute.com). To learn more about the Shape Sioux Falls 2050 comprehensive plan or get involved, visit www.SiouxFalls.gov/ShapeSF2050.

On behalf of the City of Sioux Falls, thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts to help our community remain strong and vibrant!

Please take this opportunity to have your voice heard!